Coaches Wrap – Grand Final 2021

U15 Boys 
Sponsored by City Rural Insurance
Reynella 8.9-57
Flagstaff Hill 8.8-56
Goal Kickers: L. Sorella 3, Z. Mayr, J. Carlier, C. Hibbert, S. Burbridge, H. Slattery
Best Players: S. Burbridge, Z. Mayr, H. Nash, L. Sorella, K. Smith, J. Scanlan
In a game that sees the the top two teams battle it out, that’s exactly what happened.
With most thoughts around the traps seeing us as an underdog and the expectation on Reynella to win.
Not in this camp.
With a large number of our team playing in a Grand final for the first time it was never going to be an excuse but rather an opportunity.
I talked about belief and expectation from our end and what needed to be done. The boys delivered.
They took the game on with a gusto that showed everyone they meant business and were keen for a medal at the end of the day.
They played a fantastic team game and did what they needed to do to beat their respective opponents.
With the game being so tight through the day with the lead switching a number of times , one team was going to leave heartbroken.
It was us.
With Reynella kicking a goal with about a minute to go and put them one point up in a Grand final.
That was the game. One point.
The team has earnt massive respect from near and far for their efforts and the way they conducted themselves before, during and after the game.
The Reynella team came into the rooms after the game and simply said they were lucky as they had been outplayed.
Every player that wore the Flaggy Guernsey this year and got us to this spot needs to proud of the effort it took to get us here.
I’m proud of you all.
Massive thanks again to my assistants this year. Pete Robjohns and Alex Sorella. You both have done an awesome job and I couldn’t have done it without you.
To our Team manager Stephen Johns and our runner Nick Conway I thankyou as well for taking the most underrated jobs in the league, but you both do them with a smile and passion.
Steve Hibbert – Under 15’s Coach
U17.5 Boys
Sponsored by Macnab Finance 
Reynella 11.0-66
Flagstaff Hill 7.12-54
Goal Kickers: S. Baltagie 2, J. Brennan, B. Aldridge, J. Faizal, A. Grayson, B. Burbridge
Best Players: B. Burbridge, S. Baltagie, J. Faizal, A. Grayson, J. Comley, C. Ames
Well, last game done and dusted unfortunately losing the Grand Final to Reynella 11.0 (correct, they did not kick a point) – Flaggies 7.12. A fantastic effort by the players, each and everyone of them has improved during the year and with a little bit of luck, the result would have been different. There is a lot to like about this group, they are good friends and it is obvious to me that they enjoy playing together and were fantastic to coach.

Marty Clifton – Under 17’s Coach

B Grade
Sponsored by Flagstaff Hotel
Noarlunga 7.5-47
Flagstaff Hill 4.4-28
Goal Kickers: R. McNamara 2, C. Wright, D. Nash
Best Players: C. Davies, D. Nash, M. Comley, L. Warland, J. Bunworth, C. Buersch
Being able to reflect upon a wonderful season is something that is often missed when you are not victorious in a Grand Final.
Questions like “What if we had done this or what if we had tried that?” seem to occupy ones thoughts.
In a year where you helped oversee the development of a number of young players while at the same time, seeing your most experienced player achieve great heights in a new position for him, one can feel overjoyed at how things panned out.
While we didn’t put the icing on the cake on the weekend, to make the Grand Final after a solid year of work and with 8 new players to the GF side when compared to 2020, was a fair achievement.
Casey Davies had a brilliant year and finals series. He constantly won his own ball but also worked hard as an outside mid, to send us forward on numerous occasions.
Daniel Nash was as electrifying as ever in the forward line kicking some beautiful running goals from within and outside the forward line arc.
Michael Comley was productive throughout the finals series by constantly  putting his head over the ball and dishing it out with clean hands to receivers off the back of the pack.
Chris Buersch was our only recognised Ruckman for the majority of the finals series and is to be commended for carrying an extremely heavy Ruck load in all of those games.
Matty Hunter kicked some wonderful goals during the finals and when the games were there to be won, he stood up and showed great leadership in the forward line.
Luke Warland lead the way in Defence taking many intercept marks and his ball use by foot, was exemplary during the finals. For someone who came back to the game after an 8 year hiatus, the future is very bright for Luke.
The experience of Tim Meinecke and Angus Fisher in Defence was invaluable as was the hardness that Matty Caire displayed while playing on the ball throughout the season.
In his last game of footy, Ritchie McNamara booted a couple of wonderful
goals to cap off a brilliant year as the League’s leading goal kicker and Association Medallist.
Having played five u/17.5 lads during the year, also helped to form a great connection with this highly talented group as we see no fewer than 17 of them become eligible to play Senior Footy next year.  
Well done to all of the fellas who played B Grade this season. Such great characters and people. Your efforts will never be forgotten.
Putting out a footy team each week takes a great deal of work. We would have been lost without our Team Managers (Paul Lendrum and Tim O’Malley). Many of our players would not have got out on the park if we didn’t have Colin Russell and Emma tending to all of their needs. Peter McMaster was wonderful in his duties as the Runner each week. Wade Stone was a great support to us in his role as an Assistant Coach. Kears was always there to do the Timekeeping. Tommy Crosby (u/15) and Jimmy Brennan (u/17.5) carried the Boundary Umpiring duties for us throughout the season. The Cavouras family helped us each week with the goal umpiring and the washing of the guernseys. Neil Williams was of great support to us as the Ground Marshall and President throughout the year. Kate Williams was always helping us with our many queries throughout the season. Russell Veenvliet and the Senior playing group took us in and helped us to develop as coaches throughout the season. Our wives and children allowed us the time to commit to the Premiership assault in 2021. We can’t thank you guys enough for your support and care.
As we look forward to 2022, we start to embark upon a new era in the club with the progression of our juniors. Investing in and keeping our local talent is a priority.
Falcon footy is exciting footy so we hope to build upon that next year.

Aaron Caesarikow and Raeph Caesarowicz – B-Grade Coaches

A Grade
Sponsored by Tech-Dry SA
Flagstaff Hill 12.11-83
Morphett Vale 2.5-17
Goal Kickers: D. Butcher 3, R. Mountford 2, M. Johnson 2, D. Kearsley, T. Carney, B. Heyward-Ferors, B. Patterson, M. Walton
Best Players: M. Johnson, S. Tharaldsen, M. Walton, D. Kearsley, a. shearer, T. Carney
Russell Veenvliet – A-Grade Coach 

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